Sports Kuala Lumpur. Photo: Daniel Boyle

Published on February 11th, 2014 | by Daniel Boyle


Laureus Sports Awards Move to Malaysia

After the debacle behind Brazil’s hosting for the Laureus World Sports Awards, the event has been moved to Kuala Lumpur.

In another blow for Brazil ahead of the World Cup and Olympics, the city of Rio de Janeiro’s failure has been taken as a bonus for the Malaysian capital. With 2014 being called “Visit Malaysia Year”, hosting some of the biggest names in sport should put the spotlight on KL.

Laureus World Sports Academy Chairman Edwin Moses noted the passing of Nelson Mandela in the announcement of the new site, saying, “Of course this will be a very emotional occasion as it is the first Awards since the death of our Patron, the great Nelson Mandela, and I am sure with the support of everyone in Kuala Lumpur it will be an Awards Ceremony to remember where we can salute today’s sporting heroes and pay tribute to President Mandela.”

The Laureus World Sports Awards will be held in Kuala Lumpur on Wednesday March 26.

The struggles continue in Brazil, with the stadium in Manaus having its opening date rescheduled, while others still await completion. Chilean “Mago” Jorge Valdivia claimed in a recent interview that the country will not be ready for the World Cup, but despite this, the fans will make it the greatest of all time.

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About the Author

Founder of @sportslashlife. Australian living in Chile. Freestyle footbag player and passionate sports fan.

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