Canberra Zine Fair
I plan to make a bit of a write up of my zine fair debut at today’s Canberra Zine Fair, but upon looking at the pile in front of me, my first task will be simply to list all the zines I picked up today. I did a whole bunch of trades, spent a bit of cash, met some nice people.
Here’s what I came home with…
- Blixa- Musings of an awkward girl – Spring
- Blixa- Musings of an awkward girl- #4
- Rhetorical, Issue #2
- My friends roof
- Reasons to be cheerful
- Hot Dudes Are Like Poetry
- It’s Not Funny, It’s Art #1
- Lesson 1: Music
- Something with a black cover…
- We Are Not Obscene #1- really like this one, some great pictures, high quality paper
- First World Youth Culture Problems To Be Addressed (#1,3,4)
- Don’t Panic
- Jerk Store
- One Day I’ll Be A CEO
- Sandwich With A Side of Time
- The Thoughts of Switchblade
- Distort (#3,21,22,23,24)
- Beef Knuckles #4
- Westide Angst #13/Y.O.U #353 (split zine)
- I Hate Masterchef
So I guess I have enough reading material to keep me going for a few years or so. It was a good day out, I had fun. Got to meet a whole bunch of people, some of who said “oh yeah, I read your blog”, or were stoked to see I had a new issue out. It was nice to meet the people behind Useless Lines and Bird In The Hand zine shop.
It was my first zine fair, but I don’t think it will be my last appearance. I’m liking the idea of going to the TiNA (This is Not Art) zine fair in Newcastle in October. I heard a couple of people talking about it, it sounds like a bit of a pinnacle of the zine fair experience.
By that time I might finally get around to making a footbag zine, it’s something I’ve been meaning to do for so long. Hopefully I can get one done before Worlds, or I might make one based on my trip.
An enjoyable experience anyway, something I would do again for sure.
I took my camera to take some photos of the experience, but I didn’t even bother to take it out. Some other people were taking quite a few photos though. Hundreds of people came through the doors of the CCAS which is a very impressive figure.
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