Popular Posts – Best of July
To keep up with what is being most viewed on the Sport/Life website, I am going to compile the top 10 stories that are being read each week and give a comment on that.
I have been trying to build up the collection of Canberra Walks, as well as trying to get the posts up soon after going on the walk. I have a backlog of photos and things from the last couple of years walking around but that is eventually reducing. The first part of the year I was able to get a vlog out every week but it hasn’t quite worked as well lately, but hoping to get back on to that consistently. Once again, I’ve got a bit of backlog there too.
Some Chilean news stories are still getting a bit of traction, even though we’ve now been out of Chile for over three years. I’m weighing up the option of getting back to covering sports in Chile more regularly, particularly the sports that don’t get such a mention in the mainstream papers. The next week will have the World Footbag Championships and I’m going to try and do some live-ish coverage despite being on the other side of the world.
As you may have noticed, this monthly post will also serve as a bit of a springboard for what is to come in the time ahead.
Top 10 stories – July
1. Canberra Walks – Rob Roy and Big Monks
I didn’t even complete this walk and it seems to have been quite popular. It is commonly said that Mt Majura is the highest mountain in the Canberra metropolitan area, but if you go out the back of Banks and up the Banks Steep Track, you will get to two hills higher than Majura. I would like to explore this area further in the future, there was a lot more there than what I got to see.
2. Canberra Walks – Butters Bridge
This was one I kind of stumbled across, like a couple of other walks I have gone somewhere to just have an explore and been impressed with what I have found. This is a massive bridge in the middle of nowhere, though soon enough it will be swallowed by suburbia. Once again, I’d like to explore the area a bit more. I saw a lot of different tracks aside from the one I came in from, which had brought me around from Coppins Crossing.
3. Capital Eyes – Vlog 23 – Skating With Ferrit
This one was a real blast from the past, and coincided well with the fact that The Butterfly Effect just announced they are going to play some shows next year. Maybe we are not as skilled as we once were, but it was great fun. Maybe we also don’t have the levels of energy that we once possessed either. This one is the most recent vlog and I hope to get back to some more consistency with them.
4. Ugly Crash Leaves Chilean Cyclist Irene Aravena in Hospital
This is by far the most popular post on this site. It was only made possible by some great photos from Vasilios Devletoglou, who was the man on the moment during the South American Games. Every now and then some cycling website will link to the post and it will bring some traffic this way.
5. Canberra Walks – Mt Majura – Mt Ainslie Loop
This is a quite enjoyable walk which I have done a couple of times. Both hills are close to home and I visit each of them quite regularly. It’s not so often I’ve been able to combine both in one go though. Worth doing if you want a fairly long walk but don’t want to go far from the city.
6. Canberra Walks – Mugga Mugga Nature Reserve
This is an interesting place as well, and also somewhere else I’d like to explore a bit more. There is an abandoned quarry and each time I’ve visited plenty of kangaroos bounding around.
7. Canberra Walks – Mt Tennent
I’ve only done this once and went alone. I wouldn’t mind going again with somebody else as it’s a few hours. Great views along the way and a grand vista from the top. I would like to explore the other mountains of Namadgi further as time goes on.
8. Canberra Walks – Mt Majura Rd and Majura Pines
This is one of the more recent posts and was made taking a different angle on Mt Majura, which is actually the most obvious one – the road. I believe the road is closed to cars so it’s fairly isolated, until you come across where they are doing some works further down the hill.
9. Footbag Joulukalenteri – Day 9 – Olav Anaconda Piwowar
In 2015 I hosted the annual footbag video calendar and put a little story along with each day’s video. This video was a real joy to see. Despite being a couple of years on, it’s still getting people having a look.
10. Now It’s Alexis of the Arsenal
According to transfer rumours, this might not be the case so much longer. I was disappointed not to see the Chilean in action when Arsenal visited Australia. This one was written by John Lyons, who was a great help while we were both in Chile.