
Published on January 31st, 2014 | by John Lyons


Archery ace Van Lamoen out of South American Games

Chile have suffered a South American Games setback with the news that archery star Denisse van Lamoen will not be able to compete due to a freak injury.

Santiago – The former World Champion reportedly slipped in the bath and injured her right elbow and hip a few weeks ago. That affected her training and forced the Chilean flag-bearer at the London Olympics to pull out.

It´s a big disappointment for Chile as van Lamoen was a big hope to earn a medal in the continental competition in Santiago in March.

The 34-year-old confirmed the news on Twitter: “I am very sad because I can´t defend Chile in Santiago 2014. Physical problems prevent it.

“As a Chilean sportswoman, what I most wanted was to compete for my flag and give happiness to my country.”

Asked if the injury was serious, van Lamoen replied: “No, but it left me out of the most important part of preparation.”

Despite her disappointment, she made a call to the Chilean public to get behind the Games, which have had very little publicity up to now.

She added: “I make a call to all those that follow me to support our sportspeople in the competition. They need the support of everyone in Chile.

“I will fully support my team-mates. I know they are working hard and that they are very proud to represent Chile.”

The Games take place in the capital from March 7 to 18.

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