This Saturday is the Canberra Zine Fair. I have never been a part of a zine fair before come to think of it, so this is my debut. I planned on going to the last one, but I got called in to work on the day.
I will have some copies of Issue #7 (Polar Bear Club, Jungle Fever) and hopefully a whole bunch of Issue #8 (Dangers, Ruiner, 4 Dead). I’m looking forward to meeting a bunch of other people who spend their time on this sort of thing. I will hopefully also have some copies of one more zine from a friend of mine.
It’s free, come down and say hi. It goes from 11am until 4pm.
Some of the zines involved include
Caught in the breeze, Geeen Comix, lip magazine, Rhetorical Zine, The Sticky Institute, We Are Not Obscene, The Monkey waiter, Capital eyes, Little beats, elodi magazine and many more.
It’s organised by the ACT Writers Centre and Canberra Contemporary Art Space, it should be good fun.