
Published on April 15th, 2014 | by John Lyons


Impressive Grimalts triumph in Argentina

In-form Marco and Esteban Grimalt added another trophy to their growing collection by winning the seventh stage of the South American Beach Volleyball Circuit.

Argentina – In front of packed crowds in Tucumán, the Chilean cousins, who won silver in the South American Games last month, again showed why they are a double act to be feared.

They spoiled Argentinian hopes of a triumph on home soil by beating Pablo Bianchi and Julián Azaad in straight sets, 21-10, 21-17.

Marco shone at the net, while Esteban impressed with his defence and counter-attacking play.

Marco said: “We dedicate this triumph to all the Chileans of Valparaíso and the north that are suffering a tough time.

“Thanks to everyone for your positive energy and support.”

Argentina were able to celebrate in the women´s ranks as Ana Gallay and Georgina Klug defeated the Colombian sisters, Andrea and Claudia Galindo, 21-11, 21-17.

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